sdandrea1 It seems I cannot access anymore. My error screen says that the domain has been redirected (see below). Any shottalk members in here getting the same? AZGREG? SubSonic?
Typhoon I could never get my computer, any computer to let me get an account there... yes, I know..." they know you that's why..." I'd always get some odd error message even though all the info I put in was correct. Redirected to an Asain porn site...
azgreg sdandrea1 Right before you joined TEA asked for everybody's email in case this happened. I think he planned to start our own forum at that time.
sdandrea1 azgreg Well, Limpalong won't get his carpal tunnel back, or he'll find somewhere else to type his essays............but Glarck will still be a dick, right?
Subsonic The internet breathed a sigh of relief today... It was having a hard time supporting Limp's posts.
limpalong Subsonic Just when you think you've escaped the long posts. Nick turned me on to this site and now the respite is over!!!!! WBL and I have been posting a little on another board. Looks like most of the "wheels" have turned up over here. Will see if we can make pests of ourselves here. Good to see SOME of the guys again.
Par4QC This group, right here on GB, from FGI, has put the beatdown on many a golf forum, I'd say. They don't come any better, so quit yer damn cheatin' on the family.
sdandrea1 Par4QC They don't come any better. Yep! Shottalk was a very small group of guys with Master-level sarcastic humor skills. We got pretty tight by insulting each other at an epic level. 😉