Spuzz Happy Birthday to the guy who made a splash at FGI with his purple driver 20+ years ago! Glad you're still here my friend @SmtGolf 🙂
SMT Spuzz Love that picture. I can now see how hideous it is with my color blind glasses. haha Thank YOU.
SMT johnnydoom Thank you. It is great in many ways, Thank you! Third grandchild was born two days ago and the cancer is gone. (so they say) haha I appreciate it
SMT Eguller Thank you my friend. I really appreciate you Dan. I look at the stuff you sent me every week, right behind my desk on the wall.
candukid Happy Birthday Mike!!!🥳🎉 My first real component was a Babylon/VS 339 that I won on FGI courtesy of you and kbaird.
Spuzz SMT I can now see how hideous it is It's the mirror face and what's looking back at you. Just a Spuzzervation.