Worth $250? Certainly the location is worth it. The location makes a good course amazing.
You could save $130 by going twilight. Of course, there is no guarantee that you finish 18. Or that you even get on. You can also save by playing the North instead of the South. It is not the "US Open" course, but still a good course on incredible land.
I hate Torrey, because I work 5 miles away, but I live out of the city. It would spoil my day to know I paid $250, and the SD resident I am playing with paid $80. But as mcavoy said, it is a city course, and demand is still super high at those prices.
I am lucky in that since I moved here in '97, I got to play Torrey a lot in the late 90s when the non-resident rates were still in the $60-$80 range. But I haven't played it since 2003.