I can't comment on exactly what you are looking for but i'll give my 2 cents anyways...I tried the Smoke TD in a simulator and hit it about 15-20 times and compared to my Paradym triple diamond, it felt a little more forgiving and slightly harder feel (but still soft, just not as soft and muted as the Paradym TD). Overall, it felt like a marginal upgrade if any but if the major upgrade was in forgiveness, then a short sim session would not really pick this up. So, with my trade in dollars, I decided to go with the TD max without hitting it as it was backordered. I have now played many rounds with the TD max and I can say it is a lot more forgiving than the Paradym TD, slightly higher launching and spinning and just as long if not longer than the paradym TD. I generally swing in the 110mph range and struggle to keep spin down at times and the TD max works perfectly okay. Yeah, i'll hit some high spinners at times but these misses are much better than with the Paradym TD. Overall, I am a huge fan of the TD max and would highly recommend it to anyone as it seems like the perfect blend of low spin and forgiveness. In terms of fade or draw bias - the TD max seems much easier to draw and for me this means more straight shots as my typical shot is a power fade and/or slice