I was getting off a commuter train on the way into work when a guy with a walkman told people about a plane hitting the World Trade Center and I figured he meant a small plane. Got into work and turned on my radio and heard what was going on. Tried to get live feeds online and they were not good. After the second plane hit, they told us all to go home. The train wasn't going back home that early in the day so I got a ride from a coworker who lived near me (75 miles away).
My wife worked in the local ER and everyone was called in that afternoon, but we were in CA, so nothing happened, but they were ready.
We went to NYC in 2002 with friends and saw my wife's cousin and she was in a school where kids had parents that didn't come home. They were far enough away that the dust was not a problem, but they had to keep all the kids until parents came and how hard would that be to have kids with nobody to pick them up? She was in tears as we were leaving, heading down on the red line train to the WTC to see the place where it happened 14 months later as it brought back memories again.