Taki27 backinit Owners are usually the problem. Look at the posts about Pit Bulls that bite being replaced by another Pit Bull by their owner. That being said, even a docile dog can snap for a number of reasons and I feel less concerned about my 45 lb Labradoodle than I do about a Pit Bull.
Rickochet We had a neighborhood meeting today of about a dozen people. One of the ladies who was bitten on the leg did a bunch of investigation on the guy who owns the house and the dogs. She found a long sheet on him that listed 25 previous violations of animal related issues and 5 pending warrants. She had an attorney friend on speaker phone who has offered to provide some assistance. I couldn't hear most of it (hearing aids down) but apparently 2 of the people bitten and 2 who witnessed the attacks will be filing charges with the Commonwealth Attorney office. The dogs are in quarantine for 9 days. Hopefully something can be done before this time is up.
PA-PLAYA Yeah, every animal is born with an animal nature and can become aggressive at any given moment. That said, and as much as I absolutely love dogs, still I would never own a Pit Bull, for the same reason I would never own a rattlesnake.
sdandrea1 PA-PLAYA Yeah, every animal is born with an animal nature and can become aggressive at any given moment. I worry about Sophie going bonkers in the middle of the night and licking my face. We've been lucky so far
Rickochet I have a ground level deck that has a 27" fence around it where I take my little dog Anni out most every afternoon. It gives here a little grassy area. I don't think that would deter a big dog determined to get me or Anni. Until this is resolved I may want to take such protection out with me. I am not real keen on packing my .357 and was thinking more about some kind of spray. I used to carry a pepper spray with me when I jogged. Anyone up on current offerings in sprays? Bear spray maybe? How about some kind of taser? Are those legal? I remember seeing one built into a cane.