FauxAmish Yes. Mohs is the surgery they were talking about. We'll see after the biopsy results.
Was kind of surprised as to the initial
appointment. From the time I got out of my car to the time I got back to the car was only 19 minutes.
Yeah, it doesn't take long. They give you a little needle to numb it and then they scrape a little off for the biopsy. Very quick. They told me to put Vaseline on it to help heal it.
Which I did. Then I'm thinking it's most likely Basal cell cancer like I had before on my nose and they'll just be cutting it out anyway. 🙄
Yeah, Mohs is usually done on the face area to minimize scarring. When he cut out the one on my nose years ago he let me look at the area he cut out. I couldn't believe how big the hole was in my nose. 😯
You then have to wait to see if they got it all which they did. Then he stitched me up. I went golfing the next day. I actually broke a stitch when washing my face. He said not to worry, he could always put another one in.
Didn't have to and it healed up fine. That one was in the corner of my nose next to my cheek, so the scar isn't that visible. This one is on the other side of my nose more on the soft part and so the scar will be more visible.
He blasted this one with liquid nitrogen six months ago, but I told him quite awhile after it turned red and a little blood came out. Healed up quick though. But that's what my first one did, so I'm quite sure it'll need to be cut out.
Anyway again, Basal cell carcinoma is the one to get if you're going to get skin cancer. Very slow growing. I'm 68 and told him I'd probably die of something else before this did. lol
Melanoma is one you don't want to get. That one can be a killer.