CallMeAl The wife and I got tired of $600-$700 glasses from our optometrist. Got an exam and 2 pair of progressives with transition lenses for $300. Spot on script and great choices for frames! Yes, We're Fans!
Sparky Yep, we like them. Whole family switched to Costco Optical about 4 years ago. We still use our preferred Optometrist, and just take the prescriptions to Costco.
azgreg I just bought two pair of glasses there. Both have the same frame, and distance lens, but one of them are sun glasses. I paid $210 for the pair.
fatshot Same wife and I have bought our last two pairs of glasses through Costco. They've been perfect and much less expensive.....!
ptjn1201 Once you have your prescription, go online to Zenni -- real cheap for extra pairs. They've been great -- much less expensive than anywhere else
backinit ptjn1201 I've used Zenni, eyebuydirect and another whose name escapes me. Unfortunately, I did not have a good experience with Zenni...twice. I'm glad that you did. Part of one of my not so great experiences with Zenni was from one of their frames not being the listed size. I now have vision insurance so I'm going to at least explore a brick and mortor store.
mulegolf I got my last pair of glasses at Costco. They had mostly the same frames as the previous place I bought glasses... the same exact frames. I had been paying $400+ for my glasses but got them for $190 at Costco. I'm well satisfied with the glasses I got.
potbunker My last 3 pair of glasses were from Costco. The salespeople were very knowledgeable and the glasses were fine.