Looks like I may not get to play these for a while, so they are on the block. Don't really want to let
them go but I must.
Wishon 560mc 5-PW in very nice shape. Standard Loft & Lie from Wishon with Wishon Black 85 S2S
R-flex (they play firm) and Wishon grips. They play off a 38" 5 iron and D1. The 5 iron is unshafted and
unhit. I'll include a Kuro Kage 80g R-flex that I intended to put in it.
Trades might work but I really need the $$ still for med bills. $129 shipped USPS Priority Insured ConUSA.
LMK your email if you need pics. Contact me at: dhylton65 at comcast dot net. Thanks.