sdandrea1 My try: shooters are posers. Dress up in brand name golf duds, spend way too much on new equipment, talk trash, lie about their ability and can't break 100
Also will only play if they can take a cart amd will drive it anywhere. Don’t know what any of the color tees mean. Hit their tee shot dead right into the woods and immediately run in the woods after it to get it. They come with a bucket of Nitro’s or Top Flight Hammer Distance balls. They smoke cigars, have no idea how long a round takes. Will hit multiple “do overs”. No concept of golf etiquette Hat ALWAYS on backwards. Shooters also carry the bag anyway OTHER than using the strap on their shoulder. I see them come up with the 2 arm bear hug, the log carry where the entire bag is on their shoulder, carrying it across their body in front of them like they’re carrying a dead body and of course… the classic carry by the handle like a toolbox because you’re gonna be putting it down every 15 feet.