AdamMH Alright, I'm usually really good at tracking down weird and obscure equipment. This one has me a little stumped. Looks familiar... I looked at Dunlop and couldn't find anything in the USGA conforming list that looked like it. Maybe a prototype? Anybody have any ideas? Clip here - still from 1:18.
Par4QC AdamMH That may be the one he designed and sold. Last I saw them they were going for around $40 new online. This is one of the 2-3 he designed, but not the one in your pic. another....there was a Model II also.
AdamMH Par4QC you make an interesting argument, here's a pic from eBay of one of his older models... I can the sole shape is similar. I kinda just assumed it would be a Dunlop since it's got an Ultraboom shaft and he's standing next to a Dunlop bag.
Par4QC AdamMH I was going to suggest contacting Jeff Sheets, as he designed the Model I heads for Fister.