garyt1957 I was watching that on mute while on the phone and wasn't sure if it was real or not till I fast forwarded to the end and saw " powered by camel toe technology "
mikeintopeka "...thanks to yoga pants and this club, camel toes are back again". This commercial is hilarious!
Rickochet FWIW the rules have always said that the only club that can have two hitting surfaces is the putter. Not even a two sided chipper. I don't know why a putter with two hitting surfaces like a BullsEye was conforming but that is what the rules have always said. ๐ค
Martee The 2 sided putter I believe was a product of clubs of old, the materials were hammered into shapes, flat sided and bent wth little if any loft whereas the irons were all formed to have loft of some sort.
Luc_Van_Daele And even if the club were conforming putting one foot at each side of the line off play gives you a 2 point penalty (rule 10.1.c)