swinnea Larryd3 Click on your profile (upper right). Choose profile. Click on the L that's there now and upload something.
MyGolfQuest Hey everybody...just signed up was on FGI about 6 or 7 years ago as boca102. Glad to see I still recognize some of the names.
jrock @Larryd3 @MidwayJ @stroh @MyGolfQuest Welcome! Hope you like place. Let me know if you need any help getting around the course.
letthebigdogshunt Hello lots of familiar people here. I go mostly by LTBDH or Shanksalot, or GusR or some other goofy names. Hope this site works out.
pdxhak pdxhak here from FGI 🙂 Great to see a new site has been created! Is everyone keeping their old screen names?
FauxAmish pdxhak pdxhak here from FGI Great to see a new site has been created! Is everyone keeping their old screen names? Some have, some haven't. You'll recognize most though. Welcome
FauxAmish candukid hey...how do you reply with the quoted post? Just highlight what you want to quote and hit reply.
potbunker This is so cool! Jrock, it is only January but you are my Person of the Year 2016. Thank you so much for making the effort to keep this community of friendships together. Many thanks, Steve / Potbunker
jrock potbunker Thanks Steve. I'm excited to see it coming together as well and I'm ready to put the work in to make it great again. You can pay it forward by inviting anyone in your list as well. 🙂